Example sentences for: acidic

How can you use “acidic” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Analogous to the RecT superfamily, this acidic dyad might coordinate a divalent cation and undergo a conformational change dependent on metal-binding.

  • This possibility was tested in vitro by incubating LysoTracker Red with H 2 O 2 or KO 2 (as an O 2 -donor) in buffer solutions with acidic (4.

  • She and her cousin compare breasts, play with vibrators, and talk in pig Latinish gibberish, but Jenkins never lets the proceedings get too sentimental: The whimsy is always cut with an acidic awareness of the family's desperation.

  • The TOX protein is 526 amino acids with an acidic N-terminal domain, a bipartite nuclear localization signal sequence and a single centrally located HMG-box motif [ 15 ] . Forced expression of TOX in the thymus of transgenic mice leads to changes in the differentiation program of developing T cells.

  • 72 V [ 14 ] . Thus, these authors [ 5 10 ] proposed that Fe(VI) as ferrate dianion FeO 4 2-, which is more stable under alkaline rather than acidic conditions, might be an important component of the pool of Martian oxidants.

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