Example sentences for: acid

How can you use “acid” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Certain permitting provisions unique to the Acid Rain Program are moved to Subpart 1 of Part B or, if expired, are deleted.

  • "The Hidden Causes of Heart Attacks" identifies a new villain, the amino acid homocysteine, which damages "arterial walls if it reaches high concentrations in the blood stream."

  • Stimulation of the immune system might also contribute to reducing the effects of snakebites and improvement in recovery from envemomization by contributing to a more rapid removal of the venom [ 11 ] . Chlorogenic acid acts as an antidote by binding to proteins through hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonds [ 41 ] . It presents anticomplementary action at the classical pathway [ 41 ] . Analgesic properties like those provided by tropane alkaloids would also lessen the pain of the bite, as would compounds that act as sedatives and tranquilisers [ 40 ] .

  • Members of the caspase family of cysteine proteases have been implicated in the initiation and execution phase of apoptosis [ 24 ] . In addition, several studies have shown the activation of the caspase cascade by toxic bile acids in hepatocytes [ 25 26 ] . We thus measured caspase activity after bile acid treatment in CHO.asbt.

  • To demonstrate that the DHBV P protein possesses an RNAseH activity that is active on RNA:DNA heteroduplexes generated during reverse transcription, we altered P amino acid 715 from aspartic acid to valine (D715V) within the RNAseH domain of P and examined the effect of this mutation on reverse transcription in viral core particles.

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