Example sentences for: achieved

How can you use “achieved” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Its detection requires a different analysis technique, allowing for averaging signal's energy irrelevant of the phase 2. Classically it was achieved by squaring the values of signals, band-pass filtered in a priori chosen frequency bands, before averaging ( [ 14 ] , Figure 23).

  • However, the wavelength of light limits the smallest size that can be achieved, and for the next generation of faster computers, engineers need to get denser features onto computer chips than is possible with light etching’.

  • From 1998 through 2000, the federal government achieved surpluses, shifting from being a drain on net national saving to become a contributor to it.

  • Having achieved senior management interest and backing, CIOs can leverage this support as needed to help ensure cooperation for carrying out information technology and management and business change initiatives across the enterprise.

  • Replacement of the endogenous rec12 +locus with the rec12-Y98F allele was achieved by transformation and a pop-in, pop-out approach [ 61 63 ] . A 1.2 kbp Xba I- Xba I fragment of rec12 +was subcloned into pBluescript SKII(+) and subject to oligonucleotide directed mutagenesis [ 64 ] to simultaneously introduce a silent mutation generating an Eco RV site and to mutate the Y98 codon (GAG ATA TTT ATT ACA → GA G ATA T

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