Example sentences for: achiasmatic

How can you use “achiasmatic” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The rec12-D15 (null) mutants are achiasmatic (Table 1) and, as anticipated, exhibit a high frequency of MI nondisjunction (Figures 3, 5, Table 2).

  • A meiotic checkpoint could provide additional time for missegregating chromosomes to correct their erroneous wanderings during MI [ 10 ] . We propose two likely mechanisms by which the Rec12 protein improves the MI segregation of achiasmatic chromosomes.

  • Second, catalytically-inactive Rec12 protein facilitates achiasmatic (distributive) segregation.

  • A 250-fold reduction in recombination would leave less than 0.1 crossovers per chromosome, so all three chromosomes in most of the rec12 mutant meioses are achiasmatic.

  • In female meioses of D. melanogaster , heterochromatic pairing of homologs can substitute for chiasmata to ensure bipolar spindle attachment of bivalents and subsequent distributive segregation [ 4 5 6 8 ] . Rec12 may serve a similar role in maintaining a paired (or pseudo-paired) state between achiasmatic chromosomes prior to the first meiotic division.

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