Example sentences for: aches

How can you use “aches” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Piper auritum leaf juice is applied topically to remove ticks and head lice in El Salvador and Ecuador respectively [ 92 ] . In Guatemala, Panama and Columbia the juice of crushed leaves of Piper species or the decoction of roots are drunk or used in baths for snakebites or rubbed onto the body as a snake repellent [ 63 95 139 ] . In Eastern Nicaragua and Jamaica Piper hispidum is used in remedies for colds, fever, stomach aches and for aches and pains [ 116 53 ] . In Trinidad, Puerto Rico and other Caribbean countries Piper amalgo leaf infusions are used as ritual baths or baths to perfume the body [ 52 16 ] .

  • Cyrtocymura cincta ) is used in Trinidad as an aphrodisiac and against witchcraft [ 52 ] . Vernonia species are used worldwide to stop bleeding, allay inflammation and in the treatment of stomach aches, asthma, intestinal parasites and for protection against snakebites [ 51 132 133 134 82 92 135 ] . The use of Vernonia scorpioides for mange has been recorded [ 50 ] . Vernonia scorpioides aerial parts and flowers and leaves of Vernonia megaphylla (syn.

  • The recent Post redesign aches like a bad face lift.

  • 4%) experienced musculoskeletal symptoms, 2 of which had muscle aches and weakness (hand, arm and back muscles).

  • My favorite expert opinion comes from Dr. Dina Al-Refai, family medicine expert: "All these aches may instill in the child a hatred towards the school and finally have a negative impact on his academic performance, she remarked."

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