Example sentences for: pnpp

How can you use “pnpp” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Although more work is required to examine this issue thoroughly, our results suggest that the large differences in potency between free fatty acids and fatty acyl coenzyme A esters seen using pNPP may not extend to all protein substrates.

  • max values (μmol Pi liberated / mg enzyme/ min) against these three substrates (pNPP, phosphoserine-histone, phosphotyrosine peptide) were, respectively: 12 +2, 8 +1, and 2 +0.

  • Phosphatase activity against pNPP or phosphohistone substrates was determined essentially as described previously.

  • Others have proposed that fatty acyl coenzyme A esters are potential physiologic regulators of PP5, since these compounds stimulate pNPP hydrolysis by PP5 in vitro at physiologically relevant concentrations and are approximately 10-fold more potent than their free fatty acid counterparts [ 21 ] . Although we confirmed this observation using PP5 and pNPP (data not shown), in our hands similar levels of AA and arachidoyl coenzyme A were required for half-maximal stimulation of 32P-MBP dephosphorylation in the case of both Ppt1p and PP5.

  • In the case of pNPP hydrolysis, others have reported both saturated and unsaturated fatty acyl coenzyme A esters stimulate PP5 activity, with concentrations required for half-maximal stimulation approximately 10-fold lower than those of their corresponding free fatty acids [ 21 ] . We therefore tested whether a saturated fatty acyl coenzyme A ester could also stimulate Ppt1p.

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