Example sentences for: pnuts

How can you use “pnuts” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Antibody reactivity would indicate a link from the GST epitope to the hemagglutinin epitope via a PNUTS to PP1α interaction.

  • Targeting of PP1 to the nucleus is due in part to a PP1-associated nuclear targeting subunit (PNUTS; [ 27 ] ). To further investigate the properties of inducible PP1α, we performed coprecipitation studies to determine if PNUTS can also be found associated with 6His-HA-PP1α.

  • These data support the idea that induced PP1α and the nuclear targeting PP1-associated protein PNUTS can form a complex.

  • Towards this goal, a fusion protein of GST and PNUTS was tested for the ability to capture induced PP1α.

  • The activity of the catalytic subunit of PP1 is controlled by its interaction with a large number of regulatory subunits, many of which also target it to specific subcellular compartments [ 7 24 33 ] . The major ones include the glycogen-targeting subunits (G M , G L ) [ 34 ] , myofibrillar-targeting subunit (M 110 ) [ 34 ] , nuclear inhibitor of PP1 (NIPP-1) [ 35 ] , PP1 nuclear targeting subunit (PNUTS) [ 36 37 ] , mitosis-regulating subunit Sds22 [ 38 39 40 ] , ribosomal protein L5 [ 41 ] and small cytosolic inhibitory proteins, I-1, I-2, and DARRP-32 (Dopamine and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein, Mr 32,000) [ 7 23 25 ] . The physiological role of many of these interactions has been revealed in recent studies.

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