Example sentences for: placated

How can you use “placated” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • "Before, they had a mildly annoyed but loyal customer (who would have been placated by an apology and thrilled with some modest token of their regret).

  • As pope, he placated Hitler, never protested the Holocaust, and didn't complain when Rome's Jews were sent to certain death.

  • The fact that "Schmucko" was Monica Lewinsky's phrase placated no one.)

  • The GOP needs to shut Burton up and make the magisterial Henry Hyde, R-Ill., the face of the GOP investigation, advises David Gergen ( The McLaughlin Group ). Robert Novak ( Capital Gang ) reveals that Burton was nearly sent packing by a panicked Gingrich, who was placated when Burton fired David Bossie, a top aide.

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