Example sentences for: placate

How can you use “placate” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Whipsawed between the need, on the one hand, to preserve good relations with the White House as it cautiously pushed the landmark civil-rights bill and, on the other, to placate the fiery young activists of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, King "clung to methods suited to his stature as a prince of the Negro church."

  • The NYT and WSJ report a new revelation made by the German firm Deutsche Bank in its attempt to placate Holocaust survivors whose property ended up in the bank's accounts so that it can receive approval of its planned takeover of the American financial institution Bankers Trust.

  • La Repubblica of Rome ran a front-page comment Wednesday comparing the reappointment of Greenspan to the Italian peasant tradition of carrying in procession a statue of the Holy Protector to placate the weather.

  • But Redstone's desire to remake the company--and to placate shareholders, who have been disenchanted with Viacom for two years now--outweighed tax considerations.

  • This effusively named tax cut would, even after some cosmetic improvements to placate fiscal conservatives, likely absorb more than the total 10-year surplus.

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