Example sentences for: placard

How can you use “placard” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Pulsetone, as mentioned in Galef's footnote, is the label (placard) on an instrument for a switch that adjusts the instrument to operate on one or the other.

  • and holds a Sierra Club placard: "Protect our Kids' Health and Heritage."

  • The movie opens with a placard declaring that three film students went into the woods near "Burkittsville, Maryland" to make a documentary and were never heard from again, and that their footage was discovered a year after their disappearance.

  • I even entertained the thought that the placard might have been put there by the diabolical pupils of the school I was going to, who were not at all keen on having a new English teacher.

  • The placard doesn't mention who edited the footage--the ghost of Hitchcock?

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