Example sentences for: phallic

How can you use “phallic” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Perhaps the fish is such a flexible metaphor because the general shape of its body is phallic, while its open mouth suggests the vagina.

  • 1891-98, Ringling Museum of Arts, Sarasota, Fla.), an armored boat with oversize phallic anchors looms in a harbor, the banks of which are lined with scantily clad women.

  • Masculinity was allowed no erotic range in dress; the phallic necktie, licensed to reflect light and glow with color, was famously men's only hope.

  • Wait a frigging second--could you please explain to me the phallic symbolism of herring?

  • Even his face has a phallic quality.

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