Example sentences for: pfa

How can you use “pfa” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The DOTMAC/PFA method provided excellent morphological preservation and immunolabeling with high fluorescence intensity of actin stress fibers and microextensions (Figure 3Qand 3S).

  • Our studies provide first systematic data that cells should be kept in 4% PFA for at least 60 min at room temperature or for 20 min at 37°C to irreversibly crosslink most of the polypeptides (Figure 6).

  • 5 % DOTMAC in PBS(+) on ice for 5 min, followed by fixation with 1.0% PFA in PBS on ice for 20 min (DOTMAC/PFA method), preserved not only micropodia (white arrow, Figure 2, Eand 2F), but also microvilli (black arrow, Figure 2Eand 2F), and ultramicroextensions (white arrowhead, Figure 2F).

  • Although phalloidin staining and immunolabeling of tubulin were poor in cells prepared by the DOTMAC/PFA method (Figure 3Rand 3T), this method provided the widest spectrum of reactivity with the probes investigated here (Figure 3and Table 1).

  • Incubation with sodium borohydride after fixation in PFA had no effect either (data not shown) suggesting that reversible bridges may have formed that could not be reduced.

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