Example sentences for: periods

How can you use “periods” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In most mammals, skeletal muscle comprises about 55% of individual body mass and plays vital roles in locomotion, heat production during periods of cold stress, and overall metabolism (Figure 1).

  • Portions of the data from a few pay periods were not usable.

  • The resources and responsibilities do not meet the criteria for assets and liabilities that are required to be reported in the financial statements but are, nonetheless, important to an understanding of the operations and financial condition of the Federal Government at the date of the financial statements and in subsequent periods.

  • Consistent with this finding, ectopic SKP2 expression was not sufficient to maintain high cyclin A levels, CDK2 activation, and RB1 phosphorylation for prolonged periods (Fig.

  • Advertising mail has experienced high growth rates in all periods.

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