Example sentences for: pbmcs

How can you use “pbmcs” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The careful design of the experiment, the use of reproducible real-time PCR instead of microarrays, the meticulous analysis, and the previous observations [15,16,17,19,20] support the notion that PBMCs express clinically relevant gene expression signatures in MS and probably in other organ-confined diseases.

  • The PBMCs were pre-activated with anti-CD3 for 72 hr, the T cells purified, and rested for 36-40 hr prior to restimulation for 4 hr with 1 nM IL-2.

  • Only when direct evidence shows that therapy guided by markers expressed in PBMCs improves patient outcome will PBMC gene expression patterns take their place as biomarkers at the center stage of monitoring MS progression and response to therapy.

  • Similarly, of the 29 probe sets identified as meeting all 3 criteria only in pure T cells, 7 showed differences in expression with p < 0.05 in PBMCs (Table 4).

  • Details of the experimental, RNA preparation, and GeneChip hybridization procedures, along with details of the chip-to-chip normalizations and statistical analysis of differential gene expression are provided in Cicala et al . [ 10 ] . Briefly, primary human PBMCs and monocyte-derived macrophages were incubated for 16 hours with HIV-1 envelope protein (gp120).

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