Example sentences for: payment

How can you use “payment” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The editorial tells the Republican leadership to stop handcuffing the payment of U.N. dues to pro-life codicils.

  • However, our inquiry to billing department staff at the Maryland Shock Trauma Center, which admits nearly 6,000 patients annually, revealed not a single case of denial of payment.

  • It involved the examination of invoices after payment in lieu of prepayment examination.

  • For example, the procurement process in a processbased federal organization would start when a solicitation is issued, continue through contract award and signature, as well as the issuance of purchase/work orders and receipt of goods, and end when the vendor properly received payment.

  • Problems of conserving privacy may arise when disparate databases are connected, such as physician payment databases with disease diagnosis databases, or health databases with law enforcement databases.

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