Example sentences for: pair

How can you use “pair” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The other subgroup consists of the Arabidopsis myosin pair At XIC/At XIE and two unpaired Arabidopsis myosins, At XIK and At MYA1, that are most closely related to sunflower myosins Hahamy2 and Hahamy5 and to the maize myosin ZmMYO1.

  • For example, a given pair of signals corresponding to measurements for one sequence (e.g.

  • c . The marginal improvement of the joint word pair was defined as:

  • So the Family Regulation Ratio of 0.2 was assigned to PF00001 for this probe pair.

  • In this case, we can link them together and collect a pair of human genome segments and one mouse genome segment.

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