Example sentences for: painters

How can you use “painters” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Johns must have been happy to have displaced, in his understated way, the cultural dominance of the big action painters.

  • Giorgio de Chirico and Eduardo de Pisis are among the more important 20th-century painters exhibited.

  • The Palazzo Bianco (number 11) makes a handsome setting for Genoa’s most important art collection, mostly the work of Genoese painters: Cambiaso, Strozzi, and Magnasco, as well as works by Pontormo and Palma il Vecchio, and the Flemish school —  Rubens, Gérard David, and Van Dyck.

  • His fat serpentine strokes and lacquer-smooth planes twisted around each other, arriving at exuberant new combinations that sometimes echoed his old friend Arshile Gorky as well as Henri Matisse and Piet Mondrian, painters whose final work was similarly buoyant.

  • -design the beautiful sets and have our carpenters and painters craft the final result.

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