Example sentences for: paints

How can you use “paints” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Rosen's book demonstrates so little understanding of that core journalistic value that it paints itself out of the picture.

  • But the story itself never mentions the SAT performance of Asians, an omission that is stunning given Southern California's demographics and that lends false credibility to the stark picture the paper paints.

  • That, however, paints a misleading picture; the scenery, the people, their culture, and religion are all too different.

  • The WSJ paints Alan Greenspan as a highly autonomous operator; he "makes major policy changes only at FOMC meetings--partly so the Fed doesn't look like the one-man show it often is."

  • has a primitive, Easter Island look: Léger paints a holly leaf in exactly the same black-on-red idiom, as though the nude woman is a botanical exhibit.

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