Example sentences for: odd

How can you use “odd” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Still more millions subsidize such odd groups as single mothers with rich parents.

  • But it's odd to be celebrating "precious souls" on a tape series designed to teach candidates exactly how to wring money from contributors and seduce skeptical voters . While saying that candidates should be true to themselves, the speakers spend the bulk of their time detailing how campaigns are artifice and how candidates must learn to manipulate voters, contributors, images, and reporters.

  • This struck me as slightly odd.

  • (Post-Monica Crowley, it isn't even odd to think of wide-eyed airheads drinking in the wisdom of Richard Nixon.)

  • Also, it's very odd to talk about the reaction of the "industry" and "public health advocates" so broadly.

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