Example sentences for: oculomotor

How can you use “oculomotor” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • epi-acronyms for the cranial nerves--the ancient “ O n O ld O lympus' T owering T op A F inn A nd G erman V iewed S ome H ops” (Olfactory, Optic, Oculomotor, Trochlear, Trigeminal, Abducens, Facial, Glossopharyngeal, Vagus, Spinal accessory, Hypoglossal), and the more popular “ O h O h O h T o T ouch A nd F eel A G irl's V agina-- AH !” [Having passed anatomy, practising physicians usually refer to these nerves as I-XII.

  • These disorders were traditionally believed to reflect primary structural extraocular muscle (EOM) anomalies and have been referred to as 'congenital fibrosis syndromes' [ 1 ] . Neuropathology studies of DS [ 2 3 ] and one form of CFEOM (CFEOM1) [ 4 ] , and the identification of ARIX as the gene mutated in a second form of CFEOM (CFEOM2) [ 5 ] , however, support our hypothesis that CFEOM results from maldevelopment of the oculomotor (nIII) and/or trochlear (nIV) nuclei and DS results from maldevelopment of the abducens (nVI) nucleus.

  • 3C), and in the oculomotor nerve(Fig.

  • The continued definition of these phenotypes and identification of the underlying disease genes will assist clinical diagnostics and lead to a better understanding of the unique developmental features of the oculomotor lower motor neuron unit.

  • The human FHIT gene, located at the chromosome 3 fragile site FRA3B, is inactivated early in the development of many tumors [ 1 ] . Murine Fhit is also located at a fragile site [ 2 3 ] and mice heterozygous for disruption of Fhit , given low intragastric doses of the mutagen N-nitrosomethylbenzylamine, develop stomach and sebaceous tumors [ 4 ] that can be prevented by viral Fhit expression [ 5 ] . Fhit, a dimer of 147 amino acid subunits, is a member of the histidine triad (HIT) superfamily of nucleotide hydrolases and transferases [ 6 7 ] . Members of the Hint branch of the HIT superfamily are found in all forms of life [ 8 ] . The S. cerevisiae Hint homolog, Hnt1, and rabbit Hint possess adenosine monophosphoramidase activity that functions in yeast to positively regulate function of Kin28, Ccl1 and Tfb3, which constitute the kinase component of general transcription factor TFIIH [ 9 ] . A new Hint related protein, Aprataxin, is mutated in individuals with ataxia with oculomotor apraxia [ 10 11 ] and has a yeast homolog termed Hnt3 [ 9 ] . Members of the Fhit branch of the HIT superfamily have been found in fungi [ 12 13 ] , animals [ 2 14 15 ] and plants [ 7 ] and hydrolyze diadenosine tetraphosphate, diadenosine triphosphate and other 5'-5"'-dinucleoside polyphosphates.

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