Example sentences for: oddity

How can you use “oddity” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • And none of the papers mentions the oddity of a Secretary of Agriculture leading a continent-hopping lifestyle that included trips to the U.S.

  • No one giggled at her when she communed with apes in Gorillas in the Mist , and no one will giggle at her in this epic oddity, even when she's writhing around in a mucousy pit of alien viscera, communing with the queen and its unborn fetus--an image so strange that it goes beyond the Jungian vampiric phalluses and womblike hatchways of earlier Alien films into what is possibly the collective unconscious of extraterrestrials.

  • The tiny village of Rio de Onor, 24 km (15 miles) to the northeast, is a village that time forgot and a geographical oddity.

  • (He drives fast, regularly runs out of gas, forgets appointments, has lots of answering machines he ignores: Simpson's idea of big-shot oddity is not very odd.)

  • Another ancient oddity is a 4th-century BCE Aramaic religious text in Demotic script.

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