Example sentences for: gene-product

How can you use “gene-product” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • To gain greater confidence in deciphering organ-specific gene-expression patterns, gene-product classification focused on 326 probes with a more than fourfold ratio difference in signal intensities in at least one organ compared to the reference (Figure 2).

  • The periodic pattern of eclosion (emergence of the adult at the end of metamorphosis) and the pattern of adult locomotion (Figure 1a,b) are classic examples of circadian rhythms, which are typically analyzed by application of periodogram functions [ 14 15 16 17 ] . Figure 1cand 1ddisplay examples of daily molecular rhythms for a whole fly and a pair of dissected wings, as reported in real time by luciferase-encoding DNA fused to regulatory sequences of the period (per) clock gene; these gene-product fluctuations have been analyzed using functions other than periodograms [ 10 18 ] . Drosophila rhythms are also evident on other time scales besides circa-24 hours.

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