Example sentences for: gene-positive

How can you use “gene-positive” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • All gene-positive clones contained circular YACs with ~ 40 kb DNA inserts (data not shown).

  • Approximately the same yield of gene-positive clones had been previously observed during TAR cloning of this genomic region with vectors lacking ARS and a counter-selectable marker [ 7 15 ] . No transgene-positive clones were found when 5-FOA selection was omitted (Table 3), indicating that the new TAR cloning method is highly selective and efficient for isolation of multicopy genes.

  • As can be seen, the yield of gene-positive clones progressively declined as the length of the nonhomologous DNA increased.

  • Yeast strains, transformation, and selection of gene-positive clones

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