Example sentences for: gene-pair

How can you use “gene-pair” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • By determining the presence or absence of all possible neighboring E. coli gene-pair clusters in 30 other genomes, we were able to get a set of 30 × 1 binary profile vectors that are similar in spirit to the ones obtained by the SGPP method.

  • As these two gene pairs b4398/b4399 and b1129/b1130 share the same coevolution pattern, revealed by the gene-pair phylogenetic profiles, we suggest that the gene pair b4398/b4399 probably encodes another two-component system in E. coli.

  • In E. coli, our non-gapped GPPP method detects 57 gene-pair clusters.

  • These gene-pair clusters include 351 genes.

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