Example sentences for: gene-related

How can you use “gene-related” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • My closing comment referred to current research that attempts to show that homosexuality is gene-related, which I termed “fatalistic” because it would appear to relieve any individual of responsibility for his actions: as we learn from frequent press reports, defense attorneys are seeking exoneration for their clients on the grounds that although they committed the crime in question, it was circumstances--abuse when they were children is quite popular--that were responsible for their actions, and they should be let off.

  • Although two of the five longest intergenic region CSEs were determined to be pseudogenes, two others appeared to be gene-related.

  • Although we do not know the clear functions for these novel gene-related CSEs, they obviously deserve immediate experimental verification.

  • As the only training data at present are three finished human chromosomes, (chromosomes 20, 21 and 22), the first assumption is that the percentage of the gene-related CSEs in three finished chromosomes is approximately the same as the percentage in the whole genome.

  • We found that 1.0e-1 appeared to be the best parameter for covering both gene-related and non-coding CSEs, because the average length of exons is about 150 bp and that of regulatory elements is much shorter.

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