Example sentences for: dominant-negative

How can you use “dominant-negative” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Since neither Rab24(S22N) nor Rab24(S67Q) showed evidence of being locked in a GDP-bound state, it is unlikely that either would function as a dominant-negative.

  • A partial cDNA clone homologous to AtCOP1 has been previously identified in mammals, containing all three conserved protein-protein interaction domains [ 20 ] . Remarkably, when expressed in plant cells, the mammalian COP1-reporter fusion protein exhibited a light-regulated nuclear localization pattern similar to AtCOP1 [ 20 ] . Although mammalian COP1 failed to rescue the Arabidopsis cop1 mutants, over-expression of the amino-terminal half of mammalian COP1 in Arabidopsis caused a dominant-negative phenotype, resembling the effect of over-expressing the corresponding fragment of AtCOP1 [ 20 21 ] .

  • Indeed, a similar explanation has been invoked to explain the presence of Hsp70 and ubiquitin in nuclear aggregates observed in cells expressing abnormal gene products with poly-Gln tracts, such as huntingtin [ 54 ] and ataxin-1 [ 59 ] . Based on reports that overexpression of chaperones [ 59 62 ] or a dominant-negative form of the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme [ 63 ] can suppress the formation of poly-Gln protein aggregates, Kaytor and Warren [ 58 ] proposed a three-stage model wherein (i) molecular chaperones initially associate with the misfolded protein, (ii) failure to diminish the pool of misfolded protein leads to aggregation and ubiquitination and (iii) inefficient degradation of the aggregate by the proteasome is manifested by the accumulation of inclusion bodies.

  • To explore this issue further, we attempted to generate another potential dominant-negative form of Rab24, predicted to be locked in the GDP state.

  • Confirmatory studies with other potential dominant-negative mutants, such as those bearing substitutions at the position cognate to Ras S17, were not possible with Rab24, because such mutants remained in the GTP state.

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