Example sentences for: diminish

How can you use “diminish” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • 2) Flatter management structures diminish the sweet sense of victory that used to come from reaching the top.

  • It would diminish the ability parents now have to decide for themselves which solution is most effective.

  • But if the reviewer trashes a book, especially one that is in any way marginal, the odds diminish that his review will be published.

  • of the foundation's assets have come from the Gateses, and I don't want to diminish the generosity of surrendering $17 billion for the public good.

  • Whether this will ever happen remains to be seen, but perhaps the aid offered by Greece to Turkey after 1999’s devastating earthquake is a sign that the animosity between these two traditional enemies is beginning to diminish.

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