Example sentences for: differentially

How can you use “differentially” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • 9% confidence interval of pooled replicates were selected as differentially expressed.

  • It would be unsurprising if different capsular types were differentially effective in permitting pneumococci to evade phagocytosis and other host defenses [31] (M.

  • An additional filecontaining the identity of the genes differentially expressed in the M.F.

  • The average difference (signal) is proportional to mRNA abundance [ 15] and the average difference change is the difference between the signal intensity for a probe set on chip 1 and the signal intensity for that same probe set on chip 2. Raising the average difference-change threshold to 200, which corresponds to about 3-5 copies of the mRNA transcript per cell on average [ 16], yielded 11 genes scored as differentially expressed, producing a very low false-positive rate of less than 0.2%.

  • 5-fold over control levels, many genes identified as differentially expressed in these studies would not have been included in our libraries.

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