Example sentences for: der

How can you use “der” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Of the two additional key terms, the van der Waals component operates with a very short range force and essentially prevents atom-atom interpenetration.

  • Chamber music and Lieder (song) recitals take place in the Kammermusiksaal (at the rear of the Philharmonie), in the Ephraimpalais (Nikolaiviertel), and the Hochschule der Künste, Hardenbergstraße 33.

  • The scoring functions used for the final filtering include the all-atom function [ 32 ] , hydrophobic compactness [ 40 ] , a simple residue-residue contact function [ 44 ] , a density-scoring function that is based on the distance of a conformation to all its relatives in the conformation pool, contact order [ 45 ] , a secondary structure based scoring function that evaluates the match between the predicted structure and the secondary structure of a final energy-minimised conformation, and standard physics-based electrostatics and Van der Waals terms [ 46 ] .

  • On the banks of the River Spaarne is Teylers Museum, founded by silk merchant Pieter Teyler van der Hulst in 1778, and said to be Holland’s oldest public collection.

  • Indeed, a correlation between EC50 values and quantum mechanics simulations strongly suggests the existence of a cation-pi interaction between a triptophan residue of the ligand binding pocket and the quaternary ammonium of acetylcholine [ 9 ] . A series of grid representations of the ligand binding pocket was generated that accounted for Van der Waals shape, electrostatic potential, as well as hydrogen bonding and hydrophobicity profiles.

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