Example sentences for: deputy

How can you use “deputy” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • As the urgent domestic issues accumulated, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten chaired a temporary "domestic consequences" group.

  • The memo was addressed only to CIA officials and the deputy for community management, Joan Dempsey.

  • On the diplomatic track, Berger agreed on October 30, 2000, to let the State Department make another approach toTaliban Deputy Foreign Minister Abdul Jalil about expelling Bin Ladin.

  • His national security adviser, Robert McFarlane, and McFarlane's deputy, Admiral John Poindexter, thought the hostage problem might be solved and the U.S. position in the Middle East improved if the United States quietly negotiated with Iran about exchanging hostages for modest quantities of arms.

  • It's a place where puzzled gazillionaires can find themselves snubbed at dinner parties by deputy assistant Cabinet secretaries and patronized by minor TV talking heads.

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