Example sentences for: depreciation

How can you use “depreciation” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Nonetheless, broadening the NIPA investment definition to include education and R&D would be difficult because there is no consensus on which expenditures should be included or how to measure the depreciation and contribution to output of intangible capital.

  • However, given that a large portion of business saving is used to replace capital goods worn out or used in the production process, business saving net of depreciation is a smaller share-about 47 percent-of net national saving.

  • Depreciation as a share of GDP has increased slightly over the past 4 decades, and net national saving-which excludes depreciation-remains well below the 1960s average, as shown in figure

  • Because household purchases of residential dwellings are treated as business investment in NIPA, the depreciation on these assets is included in gross business saving.

  • Instead, NIPA includes a depreciation charge ("consumption of general government fixed capital") in current spending as a proxy for the contribution of capital to the output of government services.

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