Example sentences for: dependents

How can you use “dependents” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Thus, welfare has created a group of permanent dependents, gun control has increased gun-related crime, and the war on drugs has created an immensely profitable drug trade.

  • A Gorkha Welfare Scheme (GWS) has been introduced for these ex-servicemen and their dependents.

  • Also, tax advice: Claim lots of dependents and don't get married (tax laws favor singles).

  • Most public and private employers that offer health-care benefits to employees provide coverage to the spouses and dependents of workers without a commensurate increase in employee contributions.

  • Another development that has in the past served as an immediate warning of U.S. use of force: the withdrawal of nonessential State Dept. personnel and their dependents from embassies (in Israel and Kuwait), and of U.N. inspectors and humanitarian aid workers from Iraq.

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