Words similar to ccl
- cbs-binding
- cbs-dependent
- cbz-leu-leu-leucinal
- cc
- ccg
- ccggctcgagtcacttggtgtcggtggcgcatg-
- ccggcttgtcctcggacacggtgcagcccatggtg-
- ccgtcgactcactcagcaggtggcgcgca
- ccgtcgactcagagctctgcagacacaaa
- cch
- cchl
- cci
- cci-
- ccl
- ccl-
- ccls
- ccm
- ccnd
- ccny
- cco
- ccommittee
- ccr
- ccra
- ccrm
- ccs
- cct
- cctc
- ccttggatccgtagtaaaggccacgcag-
- ccttgttggctttcggagatgttggctccttgatagcgacgggaatttta-
- cctttttccaggtctgacaa-
- ccu
- ccwk
- ccy
- cd
- cd-
- cd--released
- cd-epr
Example sentences for: ccl
How can you use “ccl” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:
Our results agree with in situ studies in human skin, where macrophages also express binding sites for radiolabelled CCL3, CCL5 and CXCL8 [ 24 25 ] . The disadvantage with the radioligand technique is the lack of definition regarding the molecular nature of the receptors.
In the cases of CCL2, CCL3 and CCL5 there were no differences in the percentage of chemokine-positive cells in inflamed regions of the RA and non-RA intima.
Because MIG/CXCL9 and IP-10/CXCL10 are chemotactic for stimulated CXCR3 expressing activated T lymphocytes, we determined if neutralizing these chemokines in vivo in the SLC/CCL21-treated mice would decrease the frequency of CXCR3 expressing T cells at the tumor sites.
In previous studies we have shown that the SLC/CCL21-mediated anti-tumor responses are accompanied by the enhanced elaboration of IFNγ, IP-10/CXCL10, MIG/CXCL9, GM-CSF and IL-12, but decreased PGE 2 , VEGF, IL-10, and TGF-β at the tumor site [ 9 10 ] . In addition, there was a marked increase in CD4 +and CD8 +cells secreting IFNγ and GM-CSF as well as DC expressing CD11c infiltrating the tumors.
The second principal component of the gene-expression data separated the day-4-treated animals from all others, including the remaining CCl 4 -treated days 7 and 14 (Figure 3a).