Example sentences for: adrenalectomized

How can you use “adrenalectomized” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • As we noted previously, a basal level of corticosterone was detectable in the adrenalectomized mice after surgery [ 9 ] . In contrast to corticosterone, other humoral factors were not significantly affected by adrenalectomy.

  • All mice were placed in fresh cages with new bedding, and food was removed from half of the adrenalectomized mice and half of the sham operated mice for 48 hours.

  • Fasting decreased hypothalamic POMC mRNA as expected in the sham-operated fasted group, but fasting had no effect on POMC mRNA in the adrenalectomized animals (Fig.

  • Therefore the adrenalectomized fasted mice exhibited similar levels of corticosterone as both the adrenalectomized ad lib fed mice and the sham-operated ad lib fed mice (Fig.

  • Half the sham-operated and all the adrenalectomized mice were injected with streptozotocin 10 days after the surgery (160 mg/kg body weight; freshly purchased from Sigma, St. Louis, MO and dissolved in 25 mM Citric Acid Buffer pH = 4.5) while the rest received buffer alone by tail vein injection 10 days after surgery.

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