Example sentences for: adoring

How can you use “adoring” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • "[T]he program has the puffy, adoring style of an image-building campaign documentary," says the New York Times ' Caryn James.

  • spreads the guilt among the driver, the security guard, Dodi Fayed, Diana, photographers, the rest of the royal family, and the adoring public.

  • Attorney General Janet Reno's decision to appoint an independent counsel to investigate Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt is Issue 3. Amazing, say the pundits: Babbitt has "the finest reputation [for ethical conduct] of anyone in public life" (Oliphant); is "the last [Cabinet member] one would imagine getting in trouble" (Doyle McManus, Washington Week in Review ); and is "the most honest man in government" (an adoring Margaret Carlson, Capital Gang ). The oft-ironic pundits do not note that being the most honest man in Washington is like being the best-complexioned boy in the dermatologist's office.

  • He interviews the adoring mom.

  • Nixon's comeback is a classic pseudo-event, erected almost entirely on self-fulfilling punditry--a series of interviews, a magazine cover, a cascade of adoring eulogies.

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