Example sentences for: adored

How can you use “adored” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Jones, referring to Sir William Johnson, commented, “He was loved, caressed, and almost adored by the Indians.”

  • (A few of them also taught him Yiddish, a language he adored and drew on throughout his life for insults.

  • When he died of a stroke in 1992 (too early to see his adored Frank Gifford dragged from an athletic state of grace into the oily tabloid muck), he left behind no significant paper trail other than the memoirs that made his name.

  • I don't know whom I adored more: Billy Bob Thornton as a greasy hick with a whiff of Tales From the Crypt -style demonism; Nick Nolte, as a skeletal, gravel-voiced albino who could be John Huston after a decade of being eaten by worms; or Jon Voight, as a blind half-Indian whose portentous utterances are both full of crap and eerily abstruse.

  • When Franjo Tudjman dies, as he is expected to any day, his Croatian followers will surely write him an epitaph full of the grandiosity Tudjman adored so much in life.

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