Example sentences for: admitted

How can you use “admitted” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The literature suggests that older patients, in general, admitted to acute care units may be at increased risk for behavioral problems [ 2 3 4 5 ] . In a multisite investigation of acute care settings, Minnick et al.

  • Although Aulaqi admitted meeting with Hazmi several times, he claimed not to remember any specifics of what they discussed.

  • Senate race in New York, but not before he had had a conversation with Johnson in which he admitted his own insecurities about making the race.

  • KSM has admitted that he considered targeting a nuclear power plant as part of his initial proposal for the planes operation.

  • Further, the Conferees intend that the Conference substitute will secure the rights of H-2 agricultural workers under the specific contract under which they were admitted to this country.

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