Example sentences for: admit

How can you use “admit” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Wojtyla should admit that he is no longer capable of carrying out his task."

  • Republicans and the media demand to know why U.S. security was lax and why the Clinton administration didn't recognize, admit, or aggressively investigate the problem when the first signs of trouble appeared in 1995.

  • Also, most admit to being as clueless as Bush ( This Week's George F. Will claims that he, like Bush, knew only one name).

  • On the other hand, McCain doesn't carry his commitment to frankness so far as to admit that of course he gave Paxson's case more attention than he would that of someone who didn't contribute money to his campaign.

  • (I must admit that I did not aspire to be any of those guys when I was in graduate school and I do aspire to be them now.

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