Example sentences for: admittance

How can you use “admittance” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The review of the new Random House Webster Dictionary [ XVIII, 1] gave space to the matter of inconsistent hyphenation, which I appreciated, and I also agreed with the reviewer's comments regarding the admittance of so-called naughty bits into the dictionary.

  • Your membership will provide you with admittance to our "members only" activities as well as full credentials to all official Convention sessions.

  • The New York Times pointedly reminds its readers that NATO's last threats of air strikes were scrapped for last-minute negotiations, which merely won admittance of an unarmed monitoring team (a far cry from military withdrawal).

  • I must admit that I have not been watching very carefully the admittance of the naughty bits of the language into dictionaries, but I am pleased to see that their omission, so long a sop to the Cerberean self-styled “guardians” of the language, chiefly struthious provincials in the Bible Belt, Texas, and--believe it or not--California, has ended.

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