Example sentences for: act

How can you use “act” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • The notoriously potty-mouthed rap/metal quintet matures a bit on the follow-up to its 1997 debut, Three Dollar Bill, Y'All$ . The band occasionally departs from its hard-core speed metal and ventures into "melodic interludes, user-friendly grooves, and actual harmonious vocals" (Lorraine Ali, Rolling Stone ). The lyrics, by singer Fred Durst (who clambers out of a toilet during the band's stage act), are "still the stuff of monochromatic dude talk," but sometimes they hint at something deeper--like when "the formerly promiscuous singer confesses his shame for past recreational nookie sessions" (Ali).

  • The Commission believed these actions were needed to provide greater access to telephones by persons with hearing disabilities, as required by the Hearing Aid Compatibility Act of 1988, 47 U.S.C.

  • Location is more difficult, because its sense history in American English is complex; but in the Australian usage of the 1788-1838 period it meant either an allocation or grant of land or the act of establishing a settler in a place, in which case it was synonymous with settlement, as in the country will shortly be thrown open to general location.

  • Rather than being technical experts specifically, their CIOs intuitively understand IT principles and trends and act as strategists, applying technology and approaches skillfully to help resolve or overcome daunting business challenges.

  • The Act also required that increased security still facilitate the free flow of commerce and travel.

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