Example sentences for: accusing

How can you use “accusing” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Mayor Giuliani responded, say the papers, by accusing Cuomo of playing politics with the homeless programs and, says the NYT , by noting political ties between Cuomo and Hizzonner's likely Senate race opponent, Hillary Clinton.

  • And "in the extremely unlikely event of a move to impeach Mr. Clinton, the same Washington commentators now goading the White House would suddenly turn on the Congress, accusing the Republicans of trying to reverse the will of the people by abusing the legal system," Kaletsky added.

  • While accusing Democrats of cynicism for suggesting that impeachment would undermine the war effort, Republicans argue that impeachment is the best way to honor the war effort.

  • A handful of art historians are accusing Robert Hughes of plagiarism at worst, and ungraciousness at best, in failing to credit their scholarship in his recently published epic survey of American art, American Visions.

  • Al Sharpton, who has been found liable for defaming Prosecutor Steven Pagones by accusing him of raping Brawley, refused to apologize and depicted the defamation suit as an attempt to silence a brave civil rights martyr, i.e., himself.

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