Example sentences for: abortive

How can you use “abortive” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • That has not happened--as witness, for instance, health care, which, after the political fiasco of Hillary Clinton's abortive reform, is increasingly being governed by insurance companies and HMOs.

  • In contrast, trophoblast cultures from abnormal placentae, which are characterized by weak or no Thy-1 expression in the villous core (panel D), exhibit abortive formation of small (s) syncytial aggregates (panels E and F).

  • When disrupted, the pattern of CSPG expression is coincident with abortive axonal growth.

  • CMV undergoes an abortive infection in BJAB-B1 cells

  • The papers all have the same basic lawsuit details: The government and state lawyers argue that after an abortive attempt at an "illegal conspiracy" deal with browser rival Netscape, Microsoft violated antitrust laws by using its virtual lock with Windows to dominate the Internet browser market.

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