Example sentences for: abound

How can you use “abound” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • In the verbal folklore repertoire of Chicanos, jokes abound about Mexicans who become Anglos and adopt the values, mannerisms, food, clothing styles, and verbal expressions of the dominant society.

  • Polysyllables abound in today's speech, and much has been written on the subject, from euphemisms--agencies that “facilitate” instead of give money--to downright deceit--one knows by now that “protective reaction strikes” are bombings.

  • But contradictions abound in Joyce's latest outing.

  • While tropical fruits and vegetables abound, along with a satisfying variety of fresh fish, much food in the FWI is imported, primarily from France.

  • Pitfalls abound: "Enron" originally chose "Enteron," the medical term for the excretory canal.

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