Example sentences for: abortions

How can you use “abortions” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Instead of advocating legislation against abortion, PK instructs men to stop having sex outside marriage and to stop pressuring their wives and girlfriends to have abortions.

  • Violent crime is down, divorce is down, the welfare rolls are dwindling, fewer women are having abortions, and SAT scores and charitable giving are on the rise.

  • All three papers report that the Senate failed, by three votes, to override the president's veto of a ban on partial birth abortions.

  • The fuss over post-viability abortions ultimately concerns only a very small number of procedures . Less than one percent of all abortions performed take place after the 21 st week.

  • For decades, feminists have criticized moral conservatives who blame women for untimely pregnancies and abortions.

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