Example sentences for: abomination

How can you use “abomination” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • But sophisticated biblical exegesis was unnecessary for those who shared the root intuition that slavery was an abomination.

  • Because of the abomination and shame of anti-Semitism, you tend to respond more sensitively to language reflecting attitudes toward Jews, which is why jew down is both derogatory and offensive while gyp or welch on are relatively innocuous.

  • We think these ethanol subsidies are an abomination.

  • Christianity, Islam and Judaism each have a wing that considers cloning an abomination.

  • In an interview published in a new pro-Serb tract, "Allies of the Serbs," the former sex kitten turned animal liberationist said she supports the Serbs against the Muslims because the latter "are overrunning the world, and their animal slaughter practices are an abomination against which I fight every day."

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