Example sentences for: abolishing

How can you use “abolishing” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • "The issue, Mr. President, is not affirmative action but racial preferences," declared Abigail Thernstrom to President Clinton at his "Town Hall" discussion on race in Akron, Ohio, Dec. 3. Clinton returned the volley: "Do you favor abolishing the affirmative-action program that produced Colin Powell?

  • When the Oregon ballot initiative was floated earlier this year, Kitzhaber endorsed the idea of abolishing the video lottery but said the state needed a phaseout period to find replacement revenue.

  • See also Thomas Geoghegan's The Secret Lives of Citizens [click here to buy the book], which makes an excellent case for abolishing the U.S.

  • 0 mg/kg) abolishing the HFO and the bursting pattern.

  • Sweden is the only industrial nation which actually has had competition in its letter mail market after abolishing its monopoly.

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