Words similar to synthesize
Example sentences for: synthesize
How can you use “synthesize” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:
This essay is, in a way, about how we avoid becoming Borges's character Funes, who could not understand repeated observations as exemplars of a common rule and thus could not synthesize and categorize.
However, the assignment of function is uncertain for the sequences from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptomyces coelicolor and Clostridium acetobutylicum because these organisms are not known to synthesize GSH [ 4, 17].
These differences in epithelial MIF staining within the bladder and the prostate suggest a change in MIF synthesis as epithelia undergo differentiation as has been reported for the eye lens [ 17 ] . Basal cells in the urothelium undergo proliferation to give rise to the intermediate and superficial layers [ 18 ] and MIF expression was correlated with cell differentiation in the lens [ 17 ] . Therefore, it is possible that MIF is involved in cell differentiation in the urothelium and in other organs, as suggested by earlier investigations [ 16 17 ] . Alternatively, since the present study did not visualize MIF mRNA using in situ hybridization, it is possible that cells in the superficial layer of the urothelium synthesize MIF but release it more quickly than deeper epithelial cells.
A set of eight PCR assays was developed to synthesize amplicons containing the tandem repeat sequences.
These drawings appear to synthesize all the preoccupations of the phases of his previous three years; they fluidly combine the diagrammatic, the near-lyrical, and the excruciating.