Example sentences for: pkl

How can you use “pkl” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • All bacterial strains used were derivatives of E. coli K12 strain MC4100 [ 29 ] . IM104 is MC4100 lamB14D lon ::Tn 10 degP :: kan and IM105 is IM104 prlA4 . Plasmids pKL106 and pKL107 are pET11c (Novagen) derivatives carrying tandem copies of the λ repressor fragment (derived from plasmids pAD103 and pAD105, generous gifts from Alan Davidson, University of Toronto and Robert Sauer, MIT).

  • In all experiments, only antibodies to the FLAG epitope were used, therefore pKL106 resulted in detection of the mutant λ repressor and pKL107 was used to observe the wild type.

  • Plasmids pKL106 and pKL107 encoding LA57-N 102LT-FLAG or N 102LT-FLAG, respectively, were transformed into strains IM104 (wild type secY ) or IM105 ( prlA4 ). These strains contained deletion mutations in the lon and degP genes to limit proteolysis in both the cytoplasmic and periplasmic spaces.

  • In pKL106, the wild type λ repressor is tagged with the myc epitope and the LA57 λ repressor has the FLAG epitope.

  • In pKL107, the wild type λ repressor contains the FLAG eiptope and the LA57 mutant has the myc epitope.

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