Example sentences for: phec

How can you use “phec” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • On the other hand, all members of Enterocluster-2 possess both * aroQ and * pheC, except for Erwinia carotovora which lacks * pheC.

  • It was preferable to use prephenate rather than L-arogenate as a substrate in the assay of *PheC activity, not only because the assay for L-arogenate dehydratase is tedious [ 17] but also because prephenate is much less expensive.

  • All four species of Mycobacterium in the finished genomes resemble Salmonella in having * aroQ but lacking * pheC.

  • Before the recognition of their periplasmic location, it was known [ 31] that some organisms might have *AroQ but not *PheC ( Salmonella ) or *PheC but not *AroQ ( Klebsiella ). It was pointed out that appropriate mutants are better producers of prephenate in Salmonella than in Escherichia because of the presence of *AroQ in the former but not in the latter.

  • *PheC [ 16] activity (assayed as prephenate dehydratase) was the marker protein for the periplasmic fraction [ 13], and shikimate dehydrogenase activity was the marker protein for the cytoplasmic fraction.

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