Example sentences for: phase

How can you use “phase” in a sentence? Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary:

  • Particularly the weighted phase coordination ratio could be reliably reproduced by the pattern analysis, but also the phase recurrency PR, i.e. the frequency of intermittent coordination, is mirrored by the binary pattern predominance PP.

  • 1° muscle spindles had a characteristic adaptation of discharge frequency at the end of the ramp phase of stretch.

  • We have discussed the analysis of phase using circular statistics in the companion paper [ 27 ] . Briefly, an average estimate of peak phase, obtained for each specimen, is plotted as a point on a unit circle.

  • Then there was a Mom's Cafe phase: "Oh, look, it's breakfast at the Mom's Cafe."

  • One further application of filtering has proven useful for determining phase values.

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